

英漢字典: good for

1. proper for;suitable for適于;勝任

    What's this good for?這有什麼用?

    He's good for several years'more service. 他還有精力再幹幾年。

2. beneficial to;advantageous to有益于

    This kind of medicinal herb is good for rheumatism. 這種草藥對風濕病很有療效。

3. able to;willing to pay the sum有支付…的能力

    He is good for two thousand dollars. 他付得起兩千美元。

4. valid有效的

    The return ticket is good for another three months. 回程票有效期還有3個月。

    This licence is good for one year. 這張執照的有效期為一年。

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